International Journal of History
2022, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part A
Emergence of Muslim endowments in connection with the Sufi shrines in India
Author(s): Dr. Babli Parveen
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to trace the history of Muslim endowments in India during the medieval period. Sufi shrines played a crucial role in the emergence of Muslim endowments during the Sultanate and precisely in Mughal era. An attempt has been in this article to highlight the parts of various rulers in creating the institution of Muslim endowments through their constant attempts.
Pages: 14-16 | Views: 472 | Downloads: 138Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Dr. Babli Parveen. Emergence of Muslim endowments in connection with the Sufi shrines in India. Int J Hist 2022;4(2):14-16.