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International Journal of History

2021, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part A

British rule and development in India (1757-1935)

Author(s): Sanikommu Venkateswarlu and S Murali Mohan

Abstract: The growing British dominion in India and the development of an administration to run the dominion were closely related to developments – Economic, industrial, agriculture, education, political, social, and intellectual – in England itself, and changes in policy and practice in India were often made in response to changes originating with the Court of Directors, the Board of Control, or Parliament. The eighteenth century political background is well covered in Lucy Sutherland's East India Company in Eighteenth Century Politics, which details the relationships between" the Company, "the Crown, and Parliament, and Parliament's attempts to control the East India Company through the Regulating Act of 1773. C. H. Philips, The East India Company 1784-1834, picks" up, although not in so" much detail, the relationship of Parliament to the Company for the period down to 1834. In addition Philips' work contains a wealth of information on the structure and func­tioning of the London end of the Company and on the inter­nal politics and conflicting economic interests found within the Company and their effect on policy in India.
Mr. Thomason, the Lieutenant-Governor of the North-Western Provinces, had already made a start in the building of roads, and in 1854 the Ganges Canal was begun. The first railway was that between Bombay and Thana, and twenty miles in length, which was opened in 1853, and in the following year another from Calcutta to Hugh was completed. At that time also a Public Works Department was formed in the provinces of Bengal, Madras, and Bombay, each being under the control of the Chief Engineer; and a Secre­tary to the Government of India for Public Works was also appointed. Since then, military have been separated from civil works, and are now looked after by the military department. In the year of 1911 the entire India came under the seat of Delhi (crown) British government from Landon directly involve in India Politics and it became direct responsible to the Indians.

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International Journal of History
How to cite this article:
Sanikommu Venkateswarlu, S Murali Mohan. British rule and development in India (1757-1935). Int J Hist 2021;3(1):13-16.
International Journal of History
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