Title and Authors Name |
Chila Rai: An unforgettable hero of Cooch Behar Dr. Md Tean Hussein Int. J. Hist., 2024; 6(2): 300-302 |
Development of agricultural practices and irrigation system during the rule of Maharaja Ranbir Singh Hardeep Singh Int. J. Hist., 2024; 6(2): 303-305 |
18 वीं सदी में आजमगढ़ का राजनीतिक इतिहास: जमींदारों और चकलेदारों के विशेष संदर्भ में कृतिका कुमारी, भूकन सिंह Int. J. Hist., 2024; 6(2): 306-311 |
Guardians of the forgotten script: Uncovering undiscovered Sānchā manuscripts of Himachal Pradesh Neeraj Kumar and Narayan Singh Rao Int. J. Hist., 2024; 6(2): 312-314 |