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International Journal of History

2022, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part B

Colonial rule and its impact on Indian agriculture

Author(s): Dr. Vijender Singh and Monika Kadian

Abstract: Colonialism has remained a dominant theme in India. In Post-colonial India heated debates, conferences and seminars were organized around theme of colonialism. Not only in post- colonial India but heat of colonial domination reached apex with the Dada Bhai Naoroji publication of Poverty and Un-British rule in India (Naoroji, 1901). RC Dutt, in his pioneer work which originally came out in Nineteenth century, The Economic History of India (Dutt, 2017), published in two volumes followed by R.P Dutt (Dutt, 1947) magnum opus India Today offered a detailed critique to colonialism. How colonial state has exploited economy of India has been explained from various perspectives. Colonialism has not only led to transformation of economy but arrival of colonial state also led to divergence of Indian culture. The ryotwari and mehalwari system was the privilege which the lambardar and other village headmen enjoyed, and which they abused at times for their self-interest, but these systems proved a great matter of low of small farmers and peasants. This paper not only studies nature and economic impact on farmers of colonialism but also takes into account how colonialism has brought about hardships in life of Indian peasantry and agricultural labourers.

Pages: 78-81 | Views: 7936 | Downloads: 7150

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International Journal of History
How to cite this article:
Dr. Vijender Singh, Monika Kadian. Colonial rule and its impact on Indian agriculture. Int J Hist 2022;4(1):78-81.
International Journal of History
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